


New York Rescue

My name is "Harry,"
Moon Doggy Harry that is ...
and I am a 14-year old rescue dog from New York.

In case you haven't already guessed, I am also quite the "Water Man," which I didn't know until later in life - but it's never too late to find your calling! I love spending time with my family, especially at the beach, swimming and Standup Paddleboard.  MORE ON THAT LATER!!!

Monkey Dog

My story is unique in that I was rescued as a community effort - This is the truth! I was only a pup when I was found wandering the streets,  alone, hungry and scared, ravaged with mange - someone even went so far as to snip off my tail! Why? I'll never know!

But here's where my story takes a turn for the better - when I was found, an entire Brooklyn community mobilized like an army of veritable animal heroes and whisked me to safety with the greatest of valor! Seriously, I never even made it to the shelter! These terrific people, opened their hearts, homes, wallets and businesses to me - which was totally (p)awesome, 

Local Groomer

I was fostered by many, vetted by the local veterinary clinic, soothing mange and flea dips were donated by the local groomer and I was fostered and fed all around town. Then began the word of mouth publicity to find me a great home. By now you must realize that this is a super-serious animal-freindly neighborhood, so word got out fast! 

Mommy and TiTi

Word was also on the street, that Paula, a life-long animal lover, who would eventually become my Rescue Mom, had recently lost her beloved "Todd" (A Chow, rescued from the NSAL 12-years prior),  and was heartbroken. You probably know where this is going. Anyway, a blind date was promptly arranged, and it was love at first sight for both of us! TiTi Lana, came to meet me, and that was it - I officially had a family of my very own! TiTi, lived upstairs and vowed to help out with raising me because as you would well imagine I was quite the handful. I was very skittish and extremely rambuctious - I wasn't house broken and I had loads of behavioral issues. But we all worked very hard to help me be the best dog I could be.

German Shepard

Luckily I'm a quick study, and I came into my own in no time at all. I love all other animals and a myriad of activities. I only just stopped being really rambunctious a couple of years ago - people say that might be the German Shepherd in me? My Mom calls it unbridled enthusiasmm

I Love My Dad

After a legnthy, rather tiring and rigorous screening process on my part (seriously, this took years!), my Mom met my Dad - and that is when my success as a Rescue Dog peaked! I LOVE MY DAD!!! - he's the total package! Dad didn't come alone, he came with aunts, uncles and both human and animal cousins, and a Grandma with a great house in The

If my Mom had a nickel for each time she heard someone say: "I want to come back as Harry." - well, she'd have a lot
of money!   

Here's the "Water Man" part of my story. Don't forget, I spent the better part of my life living in an urban environment - I admired the water daily, from the Brooklyn promenades and piers surrounding my home, but never so much as wet my paw in this great big drink.

That changed, with my Dad by my side,  we started taking jaunts to the beach, in and around where he grew up in The Hamptons, and I loved every minute of it. I had a natural affinty for the water, together with a seemingly supreme sense of balance. It was funny, when on early Sunday mornings people would come to the beach, Starbuck's in hand, to watch this Senior SUP Dog hang-twenty, hot dog, and sometimes just chill out on his board. I do love an audience!

Maybe I should advocate or AARP too? You're never too old!   REVISE - REVISIT Anyway, I am hoping that I can spend the rest of my life spreading - "Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever”


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Where I Like To Hang Out!!!